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Wedding - Page 403

31. Mai 2013

Himmelbeet: contagious green

A com­mu­ni­ty gar­den pro­ject, Him­mel­beet, recent­ly ope­ned in the midd­le of Wed­ding, just down the road from Leo­pold­platz at Schulstraße/corner Ruhe­platz­stra­ße. As this space was not initi­al­ly inten­ded to be Himmelbeet’s home,…
25. Mai 2013

Celebrate with your neighbours

At Kon­go­stra­ße, they’­re doing it. At Otto­park, they’­re going on the streets as well. Spren­gel- and Sparr­stra­ße are out the­re, too. What is hap­pe­ning in this area, in this city? Stran­gers meet…
25. Mai 2013

Komşularla Eğlenmek

Kon­go­stra­ßedaki­ler katılıyor, Otto­par­k’­da da sokak­ta­lar. Spren­gel ve Sparr­stra­ße’­de de eğlence var. Neler oluyor bir­den bire bu mahal­le­de, bu şehir­de? Bir­bi­ri­ne şim­di­ye dek yaban­cı olan ins­an­lar bir­lik­te mangal yakıyor, resim, müzik yapıyor ve…