
Family Centre Osloer Straße: colourful and lively from the start

31. Oktober 2014

What is a fami­ly cent­re? Doro­thee Fischer can’t ans­wer this ques­ti­on com­ple­te­ly eit­her. Gene­ral­ly spea­king, a fami­ly cent­re is a spot for fami­lies offe­ring coun­sel­ling, acti­vi­ties and cour­ses. Each fami­ly cent­re, fun­ded by the Ber­lin Sena­te, is very indi­vi­du­al, though. Doro­thee Fischer con­tri­bu­tes to this mix now – she is run­ning the fami­ly cent­re at Oslo­er Stra­ße (at Fabrik Oslo­er Stra­ße), which was ope­ned offi­ci­al­ly during the autumn break.

famZentrumOsloerEroeffnungOne cha­rac­te­ristic beca­me clear right away: Doro­thee can use the well-estab­lished infra­struc­tu­re and the social net­work of Fabrik Oslo­er Stra­ße. The holi­day work­shop, pre­ce­ding the ope­ning cerem­o­ny, was well accept­ed, and the ope­ning day its­elf was lively and visi­ted by many fami­lies from the Kiez. “The big­gest resour­ce here is the fact that the­re has alre­a­dy been a lot of work done in the Kiez”, says Doro­thee – she does not have to start from scratch but wants to deve­lop the exis­ting offers for families.

The infor­ma­ti­on sheets, fresh from the press, show what Doro­thee has been working on for the last cou­ple of months: “We have regu­lar mee­tings whe­re peo­p­le can arran­ge their spa­re time tog­e­ther, we have sup­port offers like a social coun­sel­ling fur­ther cour­ses”, she explains. “The chall­enge will be to crea­te offers for fami­lies who have strugg­le a lot and to also include fami­lies who don’t have the­se issues but are loo­king for a dancing class, for instance.”

Strong partners open the door to Soldiner Kiez

dorothee_fischer1Doro­thee wants to direct­ly assess the needs of tho­se who don’t search cour­ses on their smart­phones: “I want to go to play­grounds and have a chat with par­ents and kids.” She also wants to include the kin­der­gar­ten next door, Kita Put­te. This Kita is, next to Fabrik Oslo­er Stra­ße, the second part­ner for the fami­ly cent­re. Doro­thee, who trai­ned as a kin­der­gar­ten tea­cher and in social pedago­gy, has alre­a­dy made some good cont­acts. A lot of the kids par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the holi­day work­shop came from Kita Put­te. She also wants to build bridges for the refu­gees living in the refu­gee home at Goten­bur­ger Straße.

Some new offers have alre­a­dy been star­ted as well. Every Thurs­day from 3:30 to 5:30 pm, for ins­tance, a fami­ly evening is hap­pe­ning now in the Café at Nach­bar­schafts­Eta­ge. Tues­days from 3–5 pm, a ‘Cha­sey-evening’ is offe­red the­re as well.

The Ber­lin fami­ly cen­tres have been going for a few years now. By the end of 2013, 24 cen­tres have been ope­ned by the Ber­lin Sena­te. In 2014 and 2015, seven more of them are meant to be estab­lished. Mit­te now has three such cen­tres: At Fischer­insel, in Moa­bit, and now at Oslo­er Stra­ße. In addi­ti­on to that, seve­ral other fami­ly cen­tres exist, for exam­p­le at Watt­stra­ße (Brun­nen­vier­tel), at Naue­ner Platz, and at Paul-Gerhardt-Stift.

Text and pho­tos: Domi­ni­que Hensel

Trans­la­ti­on: Danie­la Hombach

Dominique Hensel

Dominique Hensel lebt und schreibt im Wedding. Jeden zweiten Sonntag gibt sie hier den Newsüberblick für den Stadtteil. Die gelernte Journalistin schreibt für den Blog gern aktuelle Texte - am liebsten zu den Themen Stadtgärten, Kultur, Nachbarschaft und Soziales. Hyperlokal hat Dominique es auf jeden Fall am liebsten und beim Weddingweiser ist sie fast schon immer.

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