
Celebrate with your neighbours

25. Mai 2013

At Kon­go­stra­ße, they’­re doing it. At Otto­park, they’­re going on the streets as well. Spren­gel- and Sparr­stra­ße are out the­re, too. What is hap­pe­ning in this area, in this city? Stran­gers meet to have a bar­be­cue tog­e­ther, or to paint, play music and cele­bra­te – and to talk with each other. The expl­ana­ti­on is simp­le: on the 31st of May Ber­li­ners in Wed­ding and other parts of the city cele­bra­te the “Fest der Nach­barn”, a day to cele­bra­te with your neigh­bours. They cele­bra­te tog­e­ther with over 12 mil­li­on peo­p­le in Euro­pe, who use the Euro­pean Neigh­bours Day to city life more fri­end­ly and supportive.

Only one wish remains: let every day be a Neigh­bour Day – that would be desi­ra­ble for our ever­y­day lives…

Das Fest

Trans­la­ti­on: Danie­la Hombach

More on Wedding’s Eng­lish Lan­guage Face­book-Page “Der schö­ne Wedding”

Joachim Faust

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