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31. Mai 2013

Art Residency @ Wedding

Wedding’s cul­tu­ral sce­ne is divers and very dyna­mic – just think of Ufer­hal­len, ExRo­ta­print or Statt­bad. Now, schir enables artists and cura­tors from Isra­el to live in Wed­ding at Oslo­er Stras­se for…
31. Mai 2013

Himmelbeet: contagious green

A com­mu­ni­ty gar­den pro­ject, Him­mel­beet, recent­ly ope­ned in the midd­le of Wed­ding, just down the road from Leo­pold­platz at Schulstraße/corner Ruhe­platz­stra­ße. As this space was not initi­al­ly inten­ded to be Himmelbeet’s home,…
25. Mai 2013

Celebrate with your neighbours

At Kon­go­stra­ße, they’­re doing it. At Otto­park, they’­re going on the streets as well. Spren­gel- and Sparr­stra­ße are out the­re, too. What is hap­pe­ning in this area, in this city? Stran­gers meet…
2. Mai 2013

Stattbad: Klassik statt Techno

Ich bin im Schwimm­bad. Die Licht­in­stal­la­ti­on von gro­ßen Baum­kro­nen an den Wän­den fin­de ich schön. Neben mir brummt ein Bar­kühl­schrank. Der wird über­tönt von den wohl­klin­gen­den Stim­men des Rund­funk­chors Ber­lin. Im gro­ßen,…