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28. Februar 2014

Restaurant Day: Chef for a day

Many dif­fe­rent cul­tures found a home in Wed­ding – but truth told: How many Ger­mans have ever visi­ted a Tur­ki­sh cul­tu­re club? Or which Ara­bic fami­ly has ever had a par­ty in a typi­cal Ber­lin corner-pub?…
31. Januar 2014

Analogbar – digital is overrated

It was the ulti­ma­te token of love. A who­le gene­ra­ti­on of cou­ples fell for each other only becau­se of the fabu­lous mix­tape. Nowa­days, the desi­gned-to-rewind cas­set­te play­list stands no chan­ce against modern media…
30. November 2013

African Refugees in the African Quarter

For years, thou­sands of Afri­can refu­gees have been dying in the Medi­ter­ra­ne­an Sea. Only few ever reach the Euro­pean con­ti­nent. Again and again, poli­ti­ci­ans express their hor­ror – with no effect on…