
Kiki Sol Café – definitely wanted here!

30. November 2013

Most peo­p­le know Kiki Sol as a cul­tu­ral oasis in Lin­dower Str. Squeezed bet­ween towing ser­vice, tur­ki­sh fish shop and Net­tel­beck­platz, the artist’s and student’s mee­ting point was main­ly known for its con­certs. Last spring, Kiki Sol moved to Rei­ni­cken­dor­fer Str. 106, and now the old rooms will be used as Kiki Sol Café – Kiki Sol’s litt­le sister…

kiki Sol CaféMela­nie Lisch­ker works as movie edi­tor, but in her spa­re time she’s part of the vol­un­teer team at Kiki Sol Café (Lin­dower Str. 12). “ It was so emp­ty, and the Kiki Sol fami­ly found that very sad,” says the 30-year-old, who is stan­ding behind the coun­ter in the dark, cozy club. The idea of a mee­ting point for crea­ti­ve stu­dents who want to con­tri­bu­te some­thing had to be kept ali­ve at Lin­dower Stra­ße, too, many mem­bers thought. The com­mon ground is the love for hand-made Sin­ger-Seong­wri­ter music.

The café is desi­gned in hap­py Kiki Sol fashion, loo­king as if it had always exis­ted at that spot. “We don’t offer Lat­te, but there’s good cof­fee, with milk if you want, a tea flat rate and space for music and crea­ti­vi­ty,” Mela­nie explains the con­cept. If you want, you can bring your own music to be play­ed at the café. The cul­tu­ral pro­gram and the Café are orga­ni­zed by ART SOLEIL&CULTURE. On Tues­days, there’s an art cour­se for kids, thea­ter shows are hap­pe­ning in ano­ther room. Many events are wai­ting for Wed­ding, but it is not clear yet, what the­re will be – and all depends on the enthu­si­asm of the team, which con­sists of 7 to 10 people.

kiki Sol Café 2Kiki Sol café fits into the Kiez around Gerichstr., which is rapidly chan­ging. “Par­ti­cu­lar­ly at night we noti­ce how many peo­p­le are wan­de­ring around here becau­se of Statt­bad and Pan­ke,” finds Mela­nie. But no mat­ter how much the Kiez is chan­ging – Kiki Sol does not want to lea­ve vol­un­t­a­ri­ly. She adds: “Ever­yo­ne wants some­thing like us here, right?”

Pho­tos by Kiki Sol Café

Kiki Sol Café Face­book Fan Page
Lin­dower Str. 12
clo­sed on Wednesdays

Joachim Faust

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