
“Bitch Wedding is the street” – a new design label in Wedding

30. Oktober 2012

At Tan­go­l­oft in Wed­ding, a spe­cial occa­si­on was cele­bra­ted on 5 April: The birth of the Wed­ding label “Bitch Wed­ding”. At the par­ty, Wed­ding­wei­ser had a chat with Yoerk Koerk, one of the two foun­ders of Bitch Wedding.

Bitch-Wedding2Shirts with the print “Amber­zom­bie & Bitch” ins­tead of “Amber­crom­bie & Fitch”, a maga­zi­ne named VÜRGUE ins­tead of VOGUE – what sounds like Badstraße’s ans­wer to Rodeo Dri­ves is part of what’s offe­red by Bitch Wed­ding, a new label. During its bir­th­day par­ty, Wed­ding­wei­ser meets Cin­dy Rei­mer and Yoerk Koerk, the crea­ti­ve minds behind the label.

Yoerk, most peo­p­le from Wed­ding don’t know Bitch Wed­ding yet. What is it?

Bitch Wed­ding is a label which con­nects art and com­mer­ce. We are a reflec­tion of street, art and pro­le­ta­ri­at. We under­stand our­sel­ves as cus­to­di­ans of the Wed­ding “Life­style-tramp®” way of life. That’s why we do our label our­sel­ves: Dir­ty, intel­li­gent, authen­tic, gre­at. Wed­ding is hap­pe­ning on the streets, Bitch Wed­ding is the street.
Also, we enga­ge in social pro­jects and will start pro­jects with Ber­lin teen­agers, such as design and pho­to work­shops. Pro­ducts crea­ted during the­se work­shops will be sold through our label, and the ear­nings will go to the teens and social projects.

Which pro­ducts will Bitch Wed­ding offer? Whe­re can you get them?

Bitch-Wedding-ShirtT‑Shirts and bags are our first pro­ducts – but we’­re alre­a­dy working on other things. We’ll con­ti­nuous­ly increase our array of pro­ducts. An inte­res­t­ing ele­ment will also be the pro­ducts crea­ted tog­e­ther with social pro­jects. Our online shop will go online on the 15th of April, 2013. Moreo­ver, we’­re plan­ning PopUp-Shops, which will open in May at the latest. Away from the clas­si­cal sales-stra­tegy, we show our things in an envi­ron­ment typi­cal for Wed­ding. This will increase the ten­si­on. It might hap­pen that you can find the new shops only via Face­book or texts.

How did you get your idea for Bitch Wedding?

Most peo­p­le still give a weird look when they hear you’­re living in Wed­ding. Everyone’s first thoughts are of a pro­ble­ma­tic area with a high rate of unem­ploy­ment and cri­mi­na­li­ty. We want to neu­tra­li­se this image in a humo­rous and self-iro­nic way and put a focus on the good parts of this area. We also do this by inter­vie­w­ing peo­p­le on the streets and put­ting the­se inter­views online.

Yeah, I’ve alre­a­dy seen them on Face­book. You’­ve been acti­ve the­re for a while now. How long have you been working on this project?

We’­ve been working inten­se­ly on it for about 3 months. We’­ve had the idea in our heads for about a year now, but it beca­me more con­cre­te within the last months – sin­ce then, we’­ve put the ham­mer down.

The­re will be a maga­zi­ne cal­led VÜRGUE as well. What can the rea­ders of this maga­zi­ne expect?

Inte­res­t­ing artic­les from Wed­ding – real and pure with a hint of iro­ny and our sub­jec­ti­ve and awe­so­me view. A per­si­fla­ge of the Ber­lin-Hips­ter-Life­style, seen from a Wed­ding per­spec­ti­ve. In any case, we’ll sur­pri­se the rea­der and hope to start new thought pro­ces­ses through that. All of this is pro­du­ced in excel­lent print qua­li­ty and was star­ted wit­hout any funding.

What is your con­nec­tion to Wedding?

All of our fri­ends who work with us have been living in Wed­ding and mana­ged to meet and love the sur­roun­dings in their per­so­nal way. Any­whe­re else in Ber­lin the trend goes towards expen­si­ve luxu­ry housing. The are­as muta­te into any­thing else but good places to live with inte­res­t­ing cul­tu­ral sce­nes. But here, you’­ve still got pure Ber­lin in the midd­le of Mit­te. We hope to get this across.

What are your future plans?

We have a lot of things plan­ned, and our ide­as grow expo­nen­ti­al­ly – of cour­se. And then you just have to work on that. Or put in dif­fe­rent words: First we take Man­hat­tan, then we take Ber­lin – what else!

Bitch Wed­ding on Facebook

Bitch Wed­ding Webshop

zum Bei­trag in deut­scher Sprache

Trans­la­ti­on: Danie­la Hombach

More on Wedding’s Eng­lish Lan­guage Face­book-Page “Der schö­ne Wedding”

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