
Bau Stück Wedding – build your own city

31. Mai 2014

Kajet­an Skur­ski has an ambi­tious idea for his Kiez: Wed­ding is to recei­ve a spe­cial form of a theat­re pro­ject whe­re the inha­bi­tants are not just the audi­ence or the back­ground but the actors…

Kajetan Skurski

Could you tell us some­thing about yourself?

“I was born in Dan­zig and moved to Ful­da when I was eight. The­re I lived until three years ago, when I finis­hed high school. Now I am 22 – I wan­ted to stu­dy acting but ins­tead moved to Ber­lin and ended up in Wed­ding by chan­ce. The con­nec­tion here is gre­at, and the flat was che­a­per and bet­ter than in Neu­kölln. Now I am stu­dy­ing at FU while working at seve­ral theatres.”

What is the idea behind Bau Stück Wedding?

“This year, I star­ted my own theat­re pro­jects for my degree in appli­ed thea­tri­cal sci­en­ces, and one of it is “Bau Stück Wed­ding”. I want to use the means of the theat­re to bring peo­p­le who I don’t know but meet every day to a place whe­re they can learn from one ano­ther and crea­te some­thing tog­e­ther. That’s the main dif­fe­rence to con­ven­tio­nal theat­re, whe­re you have actors and spec­ta­tors – at “Bau Stück Wed­ding” ever­yo­ne plays both roles at the same time. The idea is to exami­ne and test thea­tri­cal pro­ces­ses and dyna­mics in the public space, but also to tre­at the Kiez as a stage. In my opi­ni­on, you can find theat­re everywhere.”

‘Theat­re’ might sound rather posh to a lot of the peo­p­le living in Wedding…

“My plan is to crea­te theat­re that lea­ves traces and is social. This means that ever­yo­ne can take part in it. The idea is to crea­te a ‘tree house’ on an emp­ty, unu­sed but public space as part of “Bau Stück Wed­ding”. We’­ve alre­a­dy got seve­ral sug­ges­ti­ons for that.”

Like an open air cul­tu­re centre?

“The open crea­ti­on of this tree house as a group effort is meant to streng­then the neigh­bour­hood. Plus, it is meant to beco­me a mee­ting point and an open tree house which can be trea­ted like an open stage for young musi­ci­ans, actors, and artists. We want to crea­te all this with vol­un­teers and through a self-dri­ven initia­ti­ve in order to crea­te an oppo­si­ti­on against the com­mer­cial buil­ding pro­ces­ses in the Kiez, which are direc­ted from the out­side. For me, this means upgrading a Kiez from within and crea­ting your own city. May­be this pro­cess can be cap­tu­red in short movies which show the rest of Ber­lin that Wed­ding is dif­fe­rent and does what it wants to do.”

What sort of sup­port do you need?

“I’ve rea­li­sed by now that I need help in plan­ning and pre­pa­ring the pro­ject. I’ve heard that the­re are a lot of crea­ti­ve peo­p­le out the­re in Wed­ding, but I haven’t met them yet. The pro­ject has many dimen­si­ons, ever­yo­ne can find some­thing for them in it. We need a team to ful­fil the many dif­fe­rent tasks. May­be the­re are inte­res­ted, enga­ged peo­p­le in Wed­ding who want to help out and beco­me a part of the team?”

What are the next steps?

“We’­ve found a spot whe­re we want to crea­te the tree house, at Nord­ha­fen Becken. Now we need to find spon­sors to be able to get tools and mate­ri­als. We want to start with the con­s­truc­tion by mid-Sep­tem­ber. That’s going to be dif­fi­cult, but I am optimistic.”

How can peo­p­le join the team?

“Well, at the moment we meet about once a week, when­ever we can. If anyo­ne is inte­res­ted, they can reach me at [email protected], or find more infor­ma­ti­on on Face­book at”

trans­la­ti­on: Danie­la Hombach

More on Wedding’s Eng­lish Lan­guage Face­book-Page “Der schö­ne Wedding”


Joachim Faust

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