“Ich bin Moabit – I am Moabit”, numerous posters announce in Wedding these days. You have to take a closer look to learn what this slogan – that seems inappropriate at first glance – means.
Between the 13th and the 15th of September this year, as in the two previous years, there will be a culture festival in Wedding again. This year, however, the festival starts with a new concept and happens in both Wedding and Moabit. Therefore, the new name for the culture festival is “Kulturfesitval Wedding-Moabit”.
More than 100 events are intended, and everyone who is engaged in arts and culture can organize an event. A festival office at STATTBAD Wedding (Gerichtstr. 65) bundles all ideas and activities, creates a program for the festival and advertises it.
Wedding + Moabit = seven culture rooms
To make it easier to find your way around, Wedding and Moabit are arranged in seven “culture rooms”, and you’ll find several “joint connections”, or “Knotenpunkte” for your orientation and information.
The festival homepage was launched on the first of August. There, you can find an application form (Anmeldeformular) which you can use to create your own event. Between the 15th and 21st of August, there’ll be meetings at the “Knotenpunkte” to organize the festival in detail.
If you want to contribute an event to the festival, send and email to [email protected], or pass the information to the festival office.
You can also support the festival by sharing it on social networks or by printing the festival logo on your own posters, by picking up posters at the festival office or by organizing one of the Knotenpunkte.
On Wednesday, 7th of August, 7 p.m., there will be an information evening at the Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik, Siemensstraße 27, 10551 Berlin.
In order to help create a culture network for Moabit and Wedding, there’ll be a workshop after the festival, in November. The plan is to strengthen the concept and to structure the collaboration between Moabit and Wedding. There will also be a website informing about culture events in Wedding and Moabit throughout the year.
Festival office at STATTBAD Wedding, Gerichtstraße 65, 13347 Berlin
Opening hours:
Tue and Thu: 12:00–16:00
Tel: 030⁄46797362
Festival 13 – 15th Sep 2013
Translation: Daniela Hombach
More on Wedding’s English Language Facebook-Page “Der schöne Wedding”