Gardening season starts at Schulstraße, not on the rooftop

Last year, a new urban gardening initiative, “Himmelbeet” was started. The goal of this initiative is to use the rooftop of the Schillerpark-Center parking house (Müllerstraße) for intercultural community gardening – hence the name: “Himmelbeet”, or “Heaven’s garden”. The plans for this ambitious rooftop garden got into some trouble just at the beginning of the planting period, but this doesn’t stop the many volunteer gardeners from going on…
“We got the OK now to use the empty space at Schulstraße/corner Ruheplatzstraße, close to Leopoldplatz”, says Hannah Lisa Linsmaier, one of three project coordinators of “Himmelbeet”. It is not clear yet when exactly the rooftop can be turned into a green paradise, but: “You can find some strawberry plants up there right now, growing in beds we put up last year.”
All the motivation that the Himmelbeet people show is not in vain: about 200 Weddingers agreed to temporarily host some of the tiny plants as “plant-godparents”, to care for them for a while and to let them grow until they’re big enough to go out in the wild. At a temporary spot at Haus der Jugend (Nauener Platz), 80 m² of gardening beds have been created. And now, “Himmelbeet” can use the empty area at Schulstraße/corner Ruheplatzstraße, probably from mid-June.
This is happening around “Himmelbeet” during the next weeks:
Sonntag 2. Juni 10:00–18:00 200 “Godparents” hand back the plants they had been caring for since April.
Freitag 7. Juni 10:00 – 18:00 The garden beds move to Schulstraße/Ruheplatzstraße, supported by Immobilienscout 24, who take part in the “Social Day 2013”
Sonntag 16. Juni himmelbeet@Ruheplatzstraße: Opening at the “Langen Tag der Stadtnatur”, the “Long Day of City Nature”
By the way – some of the garden beds are still available: Three beds (3 m²) cost 150 € for the time from June to October. It is also possible to rent less than three beds, if needed.
“Himmelbeet” is staying on the street level for now: eye to eye with the Wedding life. Luckily, the gardening project is based on mobile beds which can be moved to another spot easily – hopefully closer to heaven…
Translation: Daniela Hombach
More on Wedding’s English Language Facebook-Page “Der schöne Wedding”