
Himmelbeet: contagious green

31. Mai 2013

Himmelbeet GastronomieA com­mu­ni­ty gar­den pro­ject, Him­mel­beet, recent­ly ope­ned in the midd­le of Wed­ding, just down the road from Leo­pold­platz at Schulstraße/corner Ruhe­platz­stra­ße. As this space was not initi­al­ly inten­ded to be Himmelbeet’s home, the orga­ni­zers had to adapt – and now they’­re dis­co­ve­ring the gre­at advantages…

Hannah Lisa Linsmaier
Han­nah Lisa Linsmaier

“Some­thing typi­cal at this cor­ner are the manyp peo­p­le who just find us by chan­ce and are real­ly sur­pri­sed”, says Han­nah Lisa Lins­mai­er. So at the new place, Him­mel­beet all of a sud­den attracts passers-by. Not sur­pri­sing, as the spot just across from Leo­pold­platz is loca­ted in the core of Wedding.
“We’­re real­ly gra­teful to the peo­p­le from the Schul­amt (school’s office) that they gave this spot to us so quick­ly”, says the orga­ni­zer. Ori­gi­nal­ly, the ambi­tious Urban Gar­dening pro­ject was meant to hap­pen on top of the emp­ty par­king house at Schil­ler­park-Cen­ter – with the super­mar­ket chain spon­so­ring the pro­ject. But so far there’s no con­s­truc­tion per­mit for this unu­su­al spot, and the pro­blem of ire pro­tec­tion is not sol­ved yet eit­her. That’s why the emp­ty roof of the shop­ping cen­ter car park will stay gray for ano­ther while.

The perfect spot

Himmelbeet SchildThere’s one win­ner in this dilem­ma though: Leo­pold­platz, which is loca­ted much more cen­tral­ly any­ways. 300 gar­den beds have tur­ned the for­mer ice ska­ting area (which had been used as an oval for years) into a green para­di­se. About half of the beds are for rent, and they’­re so wan­ted that now there’s a wai­ting list for them. Wed­din­gers can grow their plants and veggies here and hop­eful­ly have a rich har­ve­st at the end of the sum­mer. All of this is hap­pe­ning with pro­fes­sio­nal gui­dance and under the watchful eyes of curious neighbours.
During the enti­re sum­mer, Him­mel­beet will be open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. In a cute litt­le gar­den shed you can buy drinks and cakes as gar­dening makes you hun­gry and thirsty. And you’­re invi­ted to stay: woo­den pal­lets were tur­ned into chairs, ben­ches and some sort of stage.

HimmelbeetThe pro­ject is roun­ded (and part­ly finan­ced) by the sale of plants. Twen­ty to thir­ty vol­un­teers help to get Him­mel­beet through the sum­mer. The idea of gar­dening in the midd­le of the Kiez is so con­ta­gious that the pro­ject is mee­ting its boun­da­ries alre­a­dy. “May­be we can turn the space at the for­mer seni­or citizen’s mee­ting point at Schul­stra­ße into a gar­den as well”, hopes Han­nah Lisa. Who knows – may­be the idea of gar­dening on the roof will be tur­ned in a more wide­spread pro­ject rea­ching many spots in Wedding?

Trans­la­ti­on: Danie­la Hombach

Him­mel­beet Website

More on Wedding’s Eng­lish Lan­guage Face­book-Page “Der schö­ne Wedding”

Joachim Faust

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