
FLOP bar turns one year – the usual and the unusual

31. August 2014

Flop 3One can’t ima­gi­ne the Afri­can quar­ter – which isn’t neces­s­a­ri­ly known for its night­li­fe – wit­hout its FLOP bar. Bakri, the owner of FLOP, opens the place every day and at most nights offers music, con­certs, film scree­nings or some other type of cul­tu­ral pro­gram. The main reason why Bakri, who was born in Syria, deci­ded to open his bar at Lüde­ritz­stra­ße was that he wan­ted to enable peo­p­le to have a beer in nice atmo­sphe­re wit­hout having to tra­vel. A second reason is Bakris pro­fes­si­on: He is a musi­ci­an, a trai­ned Kanoun play­er who knows the zither-like instru­ment by heart.


Flop 1Apart from the bar, the stage is the cen­tral point of the venue. Thurs­days, Fri­days and Satur­days, the­re are open stages, con­certs and DJ gigs. “It’s a place for music”, Bakri empha­si­zes. He is proud that he was alre­a­dy able to host a movie pre­mie­re. Plus, he’s plan­ning to have regu­lar exhi­bi­ti­ons – and on Sun­days, peo­p­le come to watch their ‘Tat­ort’.


Flop 2There’s a spe­cial reason for par­ty­ing right now: The bar ope­ned exact­ly one year ago. “Tog­e­ther with our guests, we make the Afri­can quar­ter more musi­cal”, Bakri says. “And that’s how we’ll cele­bra­te the anniversary!”

The­re will be live music, jam ses­si­ons and bir­th­day sur­pri­ses. For regu­lar guests, an addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on: The Mexi­can is rea­dy for you! Now, if you don’t know what that means, it is still worth going – or, as a face­book user sums it up: “FLOP is TOP – defi­ni­te­ly worth the trip!”

Trans­la­ti­on: Danie­la Hombach

Anni­ver­sa­ry – Sep­tem­ber 13th

FLOP – open dai­ly from 5 pm

Lüde­ritz­str 74 (clo­se to Otawistr)

13351, Ber­lin, U Rehberge

Tel 030 81618840


Joachim Faust

hat 2011 den Blog gegründet. Heute leitet er das Projekt Weddingweiser. Mag die Ortsteile Wedding und Gesundbrunnen gleichermaßen.

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