
“El Pepe” – Short holiday at Prinzenallee

28. Februar 2014

El Pepe TischeBer­lin is won­derful, we all agree on that. But some­ti­mes even here you need a chan­ge of sce­n­ery: New scents, new sounds, new tas­tes. Lucki­ly, Wed­din­gers don’t have to go far for that. Thanks to ‘El Pepe’, Spain starts behind a vel­vet curtain at Prinzenallee.

El Pepe TapasFor all of us who don’t have time or money to board the next cheap flight to Bar­ce­lo­na, El Pepe gives you an opti­on to escape Ber­lin for a night. In front of the restau­rant, illu­mi­na­ted bz next door’s Döner stall, a proud Spa­nish slag greets the guests. Upon ente­ring the pre­mi­ses, you know imme­dia­te­ly that you won’t have to deal with San­gria and Pael­la. Ins­tead, it says “Tapas y Vinos” on the win­dow, and that’s all you need here.
Pimi­ent­os de Padron, Tor­til­la and Cho­ri­zo … about a dozen dif­fe­rent types of tapas can be cho­sen from the menu. The best deal is to order two or three per per­son and then just try and share. Tapas are per­fect for fri­ends who don’t get much time for eating bet­ween all the tal­king, or as a snack while play­ing Back­gam­mon. On top of that, you can get good Spa­nish wine for one euro per glass.
El Pepe DeckenbeleuchtungHalf of the peo­p­le dining at El Pepe is Spa­nish, which con­tri­bu­tes to the fee­ling of being far away and under­lines the food’s gre­at qua­li­ty. Quiet gui­tar music and the extra ser­ve of pati­ence nee­ded when wai­ting for the order com­ple­te the holiday-feeling.

The fri­end­ly wai­ter from Gra­na­da explains us that ‘El Pepe’ is a nick­na­me for José, Josef from the bible who, wit­hout hesi­ta­ti­on, accept­ed the chal­len­ging task set asi­de for him. El Pepe’s Ger­man-Spa­nish team has the task to bring some Spain to Wed­ding. We say: “¡Much­as gracias!”


El pepe FlaggeEl Pepe
Prin­zen­al­lee 25
13359 Berlin-Gesundbrunnen
Dai­ly 6–30 pm until midnight


trans­la­ti­on: Danie­la Hombach

More on Wedding’s Eng­lish Lan­guage Face­book-Page “Der schö­ne Wedding”

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