
“Little Kitchen”: In a cozy kitchen

31. Dezember 2014

Little Kitchen Blumenvase.jpgWhat type of gas­tro­no­my works with Wed­ding and its inha­bi­tants from all over the world? May­be it has to be a mix like in “Litt­le Kitchen”…

We dis­co­ver the small café on a grey mor­ning. As soon as you clo­se its door to Torf­str, the metro­po­li­tan noi­se dis­ap­pears and the room is fil­led with jazz music and kit­chen sounds. The walls are pain­ted in a fri­end­ly yel­low, you can see the cour­ty­ard behind the glass bar and the kit­chen. Kids’ pho­tos are arran­ged on the walls – ever­y­thing looks like a fami­ly home.

Deno Alice Little Kitchen.jpg “In Wed­ding, many peo­p­le from all over the world meet”, Deno says. “Why should­n’t the­re be a place whe­re you can find some­thing for lite­ral­ly any tas­te?” The Jamai­can has been working in medi­cal busi­ness for years. Tog­e­ther with his wife Ali­ce, who is from Ita­ly, and his busi­ness part­ner Mike Elon­eid, in Octo­ber 2014, he ful­fil­led his dream of his own Café whe­re many influen­ces mix.

Fresh food at all times

Theke Little Kitchen.jpg Ger­man Ein­topf mixes with exo­tic soups, some­ti­mes the­re are frit­t­a­tas, or salads, as well as baked goods from all over the place. The cream cheese for the bagels is mixed in the kit­chen. “Our sand­wi­ches are pre­pared com­ple­te­ly fresh at all times, too”, Deno explains. It is important for the owners of ‘litt­le kit­chen’ to only use ingre­di­ents wit­hout additives.


If all this does­n’t float your boat, you’ll get exci­ted about the excel­lent cof­fee. “We only use our own mixes”, Deno says. They use cof­fee from the Bonan­za roas­ter, but also from a cof­fee ven­dor from Portugal.


Amongst friends

Little Kitchen Torfstr.jpg“We want you to feel as if you were visi­ting fri­ends and ended up in the kit­chen, becau­se it is the coziest place”, Ali­ce and Deno descri­be their con­cept. The tiny café is easi­ly over­loo­ked – but it brings a lot of atmo­sphe­re into noi­sy Torfstraße.


Litt­le Kitchen

Torf­str. 23

Mon-Sat 10:30 am to 7:30 pm

Trans­la­ti­on: Danie­la Hombach





Joachim Faust

hat 2011 den Blog gegründet. Heute leitet er das Projekt Weddingweiser. Mag die Ortsteile Wedding und Gesundbrunnen gleichermaßen.

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