
The furthest way is worth it:
3 Places for currywurst in Wedding

Not every currywurst is the same. It all depends on the quality of the meat and the sauce. We can tell you where to go!

Be it the Ruhr regi­on, Ham­burg or Ber­lin: three are­as in Ger­ma­ny argue over whe­re the cur­ry­wurst was inven­ted and whe­re the best can be found. We don’t care about that! We too have some out­stan­ding places to grab a quick snack in Wed­ding. In case you still have a gap in your cur­ry­wurst know­ledge (which is hard to belie­ve), here’s a quick over­view for you.

Curry & Chili

Whoe­ver didn’t know that the­re are ten degrees of spi­ci­ness, from which you will start to sweat at level five, should try Cur­ry & Chi­li on the plat­form of the Oslo­er Straße/Prinzenallee Tram Stop. The place whe­re men are allo­wed to cry.

Zum Würfel II

Schla­ger sin­ger and West Ber­lin icon Frank Zan­der hims­elf crea­ted the cur­ry sau­ce of the Zum Wür­fel II Imbiss. Asi­de from various spe­cials with auto­graph and pic­co­lo, the cur­ry­wurst at this snack bar on the deso­la­te Kurt-Schu­ma­cher-Damm 123 (in the midd­le of nowhe­re) actual­ly tas­tes pret­ty good. 


If you ask Ber­li­ners whe­re to find the tastie­st cur­ry­wurst they cer­tain­ly won’t direct you to the one from Konn­op­ke or Curry36 for tou­rists, ins­tead the name Cur­ry-Bau­de often springs to mind. This isn’t sur­pri­sing, con­side­ring this snack bar in the sta­ti­on buil­ding of the Gesund­brun­nen sub­way sta­ti­on (Badstraße/Behmstraße) has ear­ned an excel­lent repu­ta­ti­on over the deca­des. Not only cab dri­vers will be plea­sed with this one.

Trans­la­ti­on: Fio­na Nugent


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