
“Kulturfestival Wedding-Moabit” – if neighbours work together…

31. Juli 2013

“Ich bin Moa­bit – I am Moa­bit”, num­e­rous pos­ters announ­ce in Wed­ding the­se days. You have to take a clo­ser look to learn what this slo­gan – that seems inap­pro­pria­te at first glan­ce – means.

Bet­ween the 13th and the 15th of Sep­tem­ber this year, as in the two pre­vious years, the­re will be a cul­tu­re fes­ti­val in Wed­ding again. This year, howe­ver, the fes­ti­val starts with a new con­cept and hap­pens in both Wed­ding and Moa­bit. The­r­e­fo­re, the new name for the cul­tu­re fes­ti­val is “Kul­tur­fe­sit­val Wedding-Moabit”.
More than 100 events are inten­ded, and ever­yo­ne who is enga­ged in arts and cul­tu­re can orga­ni­ze an event. A fes­ti­val office at STATTBAD Wed­ding (Gericht­str. 65) bund­les all ide­as and acti­vi­ties, crea­tes a pro­gram for the fes­ti­val and adver­ti­ses it.

Wedding + Moabit = seven culture rooms


To make it easier to find your way around, Wed­ding and Moa­bit are arran­ged in seven “cul­tu­re rooms”, and you’ll find seve­ral “joint con­nec­tions”, or “Kno­ten­punk­te” for your ori­en­ta­ti­on and information.
The fes­ti­val home­page was laun­ched on the first of August. The­re, you can find an appli­ca­ti­on form (Anmel­de­for­mu­lar) which you can use to crea­te your own event. Bet­ween the 15th and 21st of August, the­re’ll be mee­tings at the “Kno­ten­punk­te” to orga­ni­ze the fes­ti­val in detail.

If you want to con­tri­bu­te an event to the fes­ti­val, send and email to [email protected], or pass the infor­ma­ti­on to the fes­ti­val office.
You can also sup­port the fes­ti­val by sha­ring it on social net­works or by prin­ting the fes­ti­val logo on your own pos­ters, by picking up pos­ters at the fes­ti­val office or by orga­ni­zing one of the Knotenpunkte.

On Wed­nes­day, 7th of August, 7 p.m., the­re will be an infor­ma­ti­on evening at the Zen­trum für Kunst und Urba­nis­tik, Sie­mens­stra­ße 27, 10551 Berlin.
Stattbad FassadeIn order to help crea­te a cul­tu­re net­work for Moa­bit and Wed­ding, the­re’ll be a work­shop after the fes­ti­val, in Novem­ber. The plan is to streng­then the  con­cept and to struc­tu­re the col­la­bo­ra­ti­on bet­ween Moa­bit and Wed­ding. The­re will also be a web­site informing about cul­tu­re events in Wed­ding and Moa­bit throug­hout the year.

Fes­ti­val office at STATTBAD Wed­ding, Gericht­stra­ße 65, 13347 Berlin
Ope­ning hours: 

Tue and Thu: 12:00–16:00


Tel: 03046797362

[email protected]

Fes­ti­val 13 – 15th Sep 2013

Trans­la­ti­on: Danie­la Hombach

More on Wedding’s Eng­lish Lan­guage Face­book-Page “Der schö­ne Wedding”

Joachim Faust

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