
Come, let me seduce you…

30. Juni 2013

A para­di­se invi­tes you to take walks and relax in Humboldthain.

2Let me fasci­na­te you with the sweet scent of my thou­sands of rose flowers and infa­tua­te you with the beau­ty of their 50 dif­fe­rent varie­ties. I would be often sedu­ced by the bright­ly red Loli­ta or the black Madon­na if it weren’t for the soft inno­cence of the pale rose colou­red Queen Eliza­beth or the white Mar­ga­ret Mer­ril. Once upon a time, my sis­ter, the Him­mel­fahrts­kir­che, was living whe­re you can now find my bright­ly yel­low Glo­ria Dei. Hal­le­lu­jah! Come and visit me, wan­der through my colourful glo­ry of sum­mer flowers and the rich green of my bus­hes. Lovers will find secluded spots for roman­tic hours here, too. You want to know more about my ancestry? My father, the Volks­park, was crea­ted for the 100th anni­ver­sa­ry of Alex­an­der von Hum­boldt in 1869. My big brot­hers, the flak towers, were born in 1941 and 1942. I am the pet of the fami­ly, with more than ten years bet­ween me and my brot­hers. My name? Sim­ply Rosen­gar­ten, rose garden.

1Rosen­gar­ten is loca­ted to the north of Hum­boldt­hain. The shor­test way the­re is via the ent­rance on Badstraße.

Trans­la­ti­on: Danie­la Hombach

Wed­ding­wand­ler Website

More on Wedding’s Eng­lish Lan­guage Face­book-Page “Der schö­ne Wedding”

Joachim Faust

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