
“Eschenbräu”: Unique Beer

31. Oktober 2012

Eschenbräu’s beer, unfiltered and dry, fits well into Wedding. It has managed to find many fans all over Berlin and is famous with beer lovers who like the unusual.

Martin Eschenbrenner (Foto: Eschenbräu)
Mar­tin Eschen­bren­ner (Foto: Eschenbräu)

Bir­git Wahle from Kreuz­berg had her first beer from Eschen­bräu befo­re she knew it came from Wedding:“I did not have my first Eschen­bräu in Wed­ding. It was in Kreuz­berg, and it was a reve­la­ti­on! May­be it was becau­se the day was long and hot – but I got devo­ted to this unfil­te­red, deli­cious beer. Five years later I made it to the ori­gin of Eschen­bräu. Admit­ted – you would not expect to find a bre­wery in the base­ment of a con­cre­te stu­dent dorm. The pub is deco­ra­ted with fun­ny ads desi­gned by the bre­wer, Mar­tin Eschen­bren­ner. It is very uni­que, and sure­ly not ever­yo­ne will take a fan­cy to it – but I love it! When I first came here, the beer gar­den was unfort­u­na­te­ly not open yet, but I will come back in sum­mer to enjoy my beer. The many dif­fe­rent kinds of sea­so­nal and arti­san beers will also keep attrac­ting regulars.”

Mar­tin Eschen­bren­ner lived in exact­ly the same stu­dent dorm in Trift­stra­ße during his bre­wery stu­dies – so it see­med likely to use the for­mer washing faci­li­ties for the bre­wery. His beer is bre­wed in small quan­ti­ties and does not always tas­te the same, which distin­gu­is­hes it from the uni­form tas­te of lar­ge bre­we­ries. Mar­tin Eschen­bren­ner calls hims­elf an ‘indo­mi­ta­ble bre­wer’. With his one-man bre­wery he fights, just like the vil­la­ge of Aste­rix and Obe­lix, against the uni­form tas­te of lar­ge bre­we­ries. Suc­cessful­ly: Hand­ma­de beer from Wed­ding – not every part of Ber­lin can offer that!


open dai­ly from 5 p.m., June to August from 3 p.m.

Trift­stra­ße 67 (cour­ty­ard) 

Trans­la­ti­on: Danie­la Hombach

More on Wedding’s Eng­lish Lan­guage Face­book-Page “Der schö­ne Wedding”


Joachim Faust

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