
Combining Sauces at “Falafel Dream 2010″

30. April 2014

Falafel Dream 2010 - VerkaufswagenMeatl­overs, Vege­ta­ri­ans and even Vegans will enjoy the seve­ral opti­ons at Waels spe­cial Foodtruck.

In case you haven’t been to “Fal­a­fel Dream 2010” late­ly – things have chan­ged and the opti­ons have increased: It defi­ni­te­ly has some very spe­cial dis­hes to offer. Not only Fal­a­fel, there’s also fried veggies in a sand­wich, Hall­o­u­mi cheese and late­ly even chi­cken. The best part, though, are the eight dif­fe­rent home made sau­ces, which sets the food sold at litt­le stall apart from any com­pe­ti­tors: Man­go, pea­nut, sesa­me-soy, oli­ve, gar­lic, oni­on, or spi­cy – “seven sau­ces are always the­re, and the eighth chan­ges every week”, Wael tells us proud­ly. At the moment, bee­troot sau­ce is offe­red. If you count all of the four main dis­hes that are available, the various sau­ces offer a wide ran­ge of com­bi­na­ti­on options.
A spe­cial busi­ness idea

Saucen Falafel Dream 2010The litt­le stall at Mül­lerstra­ße is wide­ly accept­ed now – so well that Wael can afford to clo­se it on the weekends. Fal­a­fel semi­nars and his cate­ring ser­vice ensu­re that he does­n’t run out of work. He just found a flat just oppo­si­te to his stall. “The area around the S‑Bahn sta­ti­on chan­ges”, he obser­ves. Wael thinks that it is a pity that the­re are new Döner stalls pop­ping up ever­y­whe­re while only a few peo­p­le try to estab­lish some­thing new, some­thing special.
Wael sells his fal­a­fel in pide ins­tead of the usu­al flat bread – it works bet­ter with his sau­ces, he thinks. Many cus­to­mers agree and call his crea­ti­ons “The best fal­a­fel in town”.

Update: Not only the area around the stall and the food chan­ged, the litt­le stall its­elf dis­ap­peared and Wael bought  an old ser­vice bus that he set up almost at the same spot, in the back­yard next to the Job Cen­ter. Not direct­ly loca­ted on busy Mül­lerstra­ße, it offers tables to sit down and enjoy the food and also gains back it’s ‘insi­der character’.

Fal­a­fel Dream 2010 (Face­book page with cur­rent offers)
Mon­day to Fri­day, 11 a.m. To 6 p.m.
Mül­lerstr. 14 a
clo­se to U‑Bahnhof Wed­ding, in the back yard next to the Jobcenter
Fotos: Fal­a­fel Dream 2010

trans­la­ti­on: Danie­la Hombach

More on Wedding’s Eng­lish Lan­guage Face­book-Page “Der schö­ne Wedding”

Joachim Faust

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