
Labyrinth Kindermuseum Berlin – Discovering the world through children’s eyes

31. Januar 2014
(C) Labyrinth Kindermuseum
© Laby­rinth Kindermuseum

The who­le place is buz­zing. A litt­le girl in a Sari scur­ries by to pre­sent her fri­end with a fun­ny red hat. Through the lar­ge win­dows of the for­mer match­stick fac­to­ry sun­light falls on a lar­ge white and blue tent, a so-cal­led Yurt. Under­neath its roof, Jonas tells his mom a sto­ry about nomads, peo­p­le who move from one place to the other.

(C) Labyrinth Kindermuseum
© Laby­rinth Kindermuseum

The children’s muse­um Laby­rinth allows the litt­le Kiez nomads to free­ly move through the dif­fe­rent are­as of its exhi­bi­ti­on. On the mar­ket squa­re, there’s bar­gai­ning about exo­tic fruits and in the world kit­chen, two boys balan­ce toy sushi on their chop­sticks. Every once in a while you see an adult just as lost in play as the child­ren themselves.
Until 1991 the for­mer assembling shop of Fabrik Oslo­er Stra­ße has been used as a con­cert hall, car repair shop and once even as a win­ter camp for a who­le cir­cus – inclu­ding their ele­phant! After its reno­va­ti­on, the decis­i­on was made to crea­te a children’s muse­um in the uni­que loca­ti­on. In 1997, Laby­rinth Kin­der­mu­se­um Ber­lin was ope­ned as an extra­cur­ri­cu­lar insti­tu­ti­on for cul­tu­re, lear­ning and play­ing. Sin­ce then, over 1.2 mil­li­on young visi­tors have dis­co­ver­ed more than 20 inter­ac­ti­ve exhibitions.
All exhi­bi­ti­ons at Laby­rinth invi­te child­ren to beco­me acti­ve and crea­ti­ve, and to explo­re the muse­um through play­ing. For the adults, there’s a café and seve­ral cosy cor­ners to relax or join the games. Until March 30, the exhi­bi­ti­on „So far away… and yet so near“ takes boys and girls on a jour­ney around the world. A new exhi­bi­ti­on will start April 13 and aims to rai­se children’s awa­re­ness for archi­tec­tu­re and city planning.

Author/translation: Alex­an­dra Resch

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