
Analogbar – digital is overrated

31. Januar 2014

It was the ulti­ma­te token of love. A who­le gene­ra­ti­on of cou­ples fell for each other only becau­se of the fabu­lous mix­tape. Nowa­days, the desi­gned-to-rewind cas­set­te play­list stands no chan­ce against modern media such as Spo­ti­fy. Wed­ding based Ana­log­bar is one of the few places whe­re the mix­tape still gets the respect it deserves.

(C) A. Resch
© A. Resch

The litt­le cas­set­te out­side the bar in Mar­tin-Opitz-Stra­ße lights the way for ever­yo­ne moving on from Ufer­hal­len or the bars in Gott­sched­stra­ße. The next thing they see is the skillful­ly dood­led faça­de and through the lar­ge win­dow, the cosy bar area. Stay­ing true to its name, the music play­ed in Ana­log­bar is careful­ly cho­sen and comes exclu­si­ve­ly from the record or cas­set­te play­er. In a small shelf by the bar, the impres­si­ve coll­ec­tion of mix­tapes is pre­sen­ted. The staff is free to crea­te their own play­lists and gene­ral­ly pro­ves gre­at tas­te in music.


Short Break from Digitalism

(C) A. Resch
© A. Resch

The drinks menue inlcu­des a wide sel­ec­tion of whis­kys, dif­fe­rent beers and fair pri­ces. Two more rooms are lit by cand­les, fur­nis­hed with com­fy sofas and can also fit lar­ge groups. The walls are bare, smo­king is per­mit­ted and every once in a while a nice dog joins the guests on the couch.

In short, Ana­log­bar is an unpre­ten­tious life raft for ever­yo­ne loo­king for a short break from digi­ta­lism. What they don’t have is a web­site. Duh.

Author/Translation: Alex­an­dra Resch

Mar­tin-Opitz-Stra­ße 21
13357 Ber­lin-Gesund­brun­nen 
Mo – Sat, from 8 PM

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