
“Himmelbeet” – “Heaven’s Garden” stays on earth (for now…)

30. April 2013

Gardening season starts at Schulstraße, not on the rooftop

Hochbeet (Foto: Himmelbeet)
Hoch­beet (Foto: Himmelbeet)

Last year, a new urban gar­dening initia­ti­ve, “Him­mel­beet” was star­ted. The goal of this initia­ti­ve is to use the roof­top of the Schil­ler­park-Cen­ter par­king house (Mül­lerstra­ße) for inter­cul­tu­ral com­mu­ni­ty gar­dening – hence the name: “Him­mel­beet”, or “Heaven’s gar­den”. The plans for this ambi­tious roof­top gar­den got into some trou­ble just at the begin­ning of the plan­ting peri­od, but this does­n’t stop the many vol­un­teer gar­den­ers from going on
“We got the OK now to use the emp­ty space at Schulstraße/corner Ruhe­platz­stra­ße, clo­se to Leo­pold­platz”, says Han­nah Lisa Lins­mai­er, one of three pro­ject coor­di­na­tors of “Him­mel­beet”. It is not clear yet when exact­ly the roof­top can be tur­ned into a green para­di­se, but: “You can find some straw­ber­ry plants up the­re right now, gro­wing in beds we put up last year.”

All the moti­va­ti­on that the Him­mel­beet peo­p­le show is not in vain: about 200 Wed­din­gers agreed to tem­po­r­a­ri­ly host some of the tiny plants as “plant-god­par­ents”, to care for them for a while and to let them grow until they’­re big enough to go out in the wild. At a tem­po­ra­ry spot at Haus der Jugend (Naue­ner Platz), 80 m² of gar­dening beds have been crea­ted. And now, “Him­mel­beet” can use the emp­ty area at Schulstraße/corner Ruhe­platz­stra­ße, pro­ba­b­ly from mid-June.

This is hap­pe­ning around “Him­mel­beet” during the next weeks:

  • Sonn­tag 2. Juni 10:00–18:00 200 “God­par­ents” hand back the plants they had been caring for sin­ce April.

  • Frei­tag 7. Juni 10:00 – 18:00 The gar­den beds move to Schulstraße/Ruheplatzstraße, sup­port­ed by Immo­bi­li­en­scout 24, who take part in the “Social Day 2013”

  • Sonn­tag 16. Juni himmelbeet@Ruheplatzstraße: Ope­ning at the “Lan­gen Tag der Stadt­na­tur”, the “Long Day of City Nature”

By the way – some of the gar­den beds are still available: Three beds (3 m²) cost 150 € for the time from June to Octo­ber. It is also pos­si­ble to rent less than three beds, if needed.

Him­mel­beet” is stay­ing on the street level for now: eye to eye with the Wed­ding life. Lucki­ly, the gar­dening pro­ject is based on mobi­le beds which can be moved to ano­ther spot easi­ly – hop­eful­ly clo­ser to heaven… 

Trans­la­ti­on: Danie­la Hombach

More on Wedding’s Eng­lish Lan­guage Face­book-Page “Der schö­ne Wedding”

Joachim Faust

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